Special Programs

Special Programs

For All Graduates of MBSR Programs: Free Weekly Hour of Mindfulness Practice

All graduates of any mindfulness-based stress reduction programs are warmly invited to a weekly evening program of mindfulness practice. There is no charge for these evenings and no pre-registration. The goal of this program is both to offer ongoing support for your practice, and to help create a sense of community among MBSR practitioners.

Time: The first Sunday evening of each month, 7:00 - 8:00 PM

7:00-7:15 guided yoga

7:15-7:30 guided sitting meditation

7:30-7:45 small group discussion of issues in life/practice

7:45-8:00 large group discussion

Facilitator: Ellen Kaufman

Via Zoom. Link available upon request to ekaufman@valleystressreduction.com

I look forward to getting together with you!